Saturday, August 31, 2019

Should Cellphones Be Allowed in Class

Should Cell Phones Be Allowed In The Classroom? Personally, I think cell phones should be allowed in the classrooms as they can benefit students in many ways. Student’s listen to music on them, do research on them, and they benefit students with individual education plans. To start, cell phones should be allowed in the classroom, as student’s use them to listen to music. In addition, listening to music helps people concentrate on their learning as it avoids them from getting distracted at what is going on around them. Also, listening to music helps student’s deal with emotional problems, stress, etc.Therefore, students should be allowed to bring their cell phones to class. Next, I think students should be able to bring their cell phones to class considering it is helpful when it comes to them having to do research on something. Cell phones are helpful to students when it comes to doing research, as they can save what they researched on their phone and come back t o it later. Furthermore, cell phones are good when it comes to needing to do research as sometimes you could wait days to use the school computers, but if you have a cell phone with a data plan you can have all the research you want at the end of your finger tips.In conclusion, cell phones should be allowed in the class as they do benefit student’s when it comes to doing research. Finally, cell phones should be allowed in the classroom, as they can benefit students with individual education plans. For instance, cell phones can help benefit student’s with I. E. P’s because they have cameras on them which student’s can use to take pictures of their assignments who cannot write, student’s can also type up their work and print it, and lastly if they have a hard time when it comes to reading something they can use applications like Kurzweil or dragon and have it audio read to them.To summarize, I think cell phones should be allowed in class, as they are a very useful device when it comes down to students with individual education plans learning. To conclude, students should have the privilege of bringing their cell phones to class, as they can help benefit students in their learning in several ways. For example, they can be used as a calculator for math. To wrap it up, students should be able to bring their mobile devices to class, as they can benefit students in so many ways.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Separating of Compounds

We can use many of Technique or methods for separating of compounds or mixtures and we can by that methods studying of kinetic for reactions ,determine of reaction rate and reaction order . some of those methods are : mass spectrometric , spectrometric ,Chromatographic and Conductance Methods . But in this paper I just talk about chromatographic method . exactly, gas chromatography .Chromatography:A method of separating and analyzing mixtures of chemicalsThe separation, especially of closely related compounds, by allowing a solution or mixture to seep through an adsorbent (such as clay, gel, or paper) so each compound becomes adsorbed into a separate, often colored, layer. Chromatography is a common name for techniques based on the partition of the molecules to be analyzed between a mobile and a stationary phase. Separation is the result of different partitions of molecules between the two phases. Because the best separation of any solutes can be obtained under equilibrium conditions, analytical chemists prefer to use chromatographic systems that are as near to the equilibrium state as possible. However, in the case of preparative chromatography, where the main objective is not the optimal separation of solutes but the maximum yield of one or more solutes at a given purity, the situation is entirely different. Preparation chromatographic separations are generally not equilibrium processes. The high sensitivity, selectivity, and reproducibility of chromatographic methods have been extensively exploited in food and nutrition science and technology.Gas chromatography methods that are used for studying first-order reaction kinetics by gas chromatography : (1) classical kinetic methods where samples of batch-wise kinetic studies are analyzed by enantioselective gas chromatography, (2) stopped-flow methods performed on one chiral column, (3) stopped-flow methods performed on an achiral column or empty capillary coupled in series with two chiral columns, (4) on-flow method performed on an achiral column coupled in series with two chiral columns, and (5) reaction gas chromatography, known as a dynamic gas chromatography. The following procedures have been developed to determination peak areas of reaction constituents in such complex chromatograms:methods based on computer-assisted simulations of chromatograms where the kinetic activation parameters for the interconversion of enantiomers are obtained by iterative comparison of experimental and simulated chromatograms,stochastic methods based on the simulation of Gaussian distribution functions and using a time-dependent probability density function,approximation function and unified equation,computer-assisted peak deconvolution methods.Fast reaction :Reaction between metal carbonate and acid.- Reaction between calcium carbonate and hydrochloric acid :CaCO3 + 2HCl -> CaCl2 + H2O + CO2Reaction between reactive metal and water .-reaction between lithium and water :2Li + 2H2O -> 2LiOH + H2Combustion .-combustion of magnesium in oxygen . 2Mg + O2 -> 2MgOPrecipitation (double decomposition )-precipitation of silver (I) chloride :AgNO3 + HCl -> AgCl + HNO3 Rate :The rate can be measured using apparatus on the rightrate of reaction = d[CaCl2] / t ,or d[CO2] / t or d[H2O] the rate can be decrease or increase with change of temperature , concentration , pressure , surface area or size of molecules . Concentration : when the concentration is decrease the rate decrease .example : 3 g of calcium carbonate react with 5 g of hydrochloric acid to produce 3 g of carbon dioxide in 10s at 25C and 1atm. rate = -d [CaCO3] / t = -d[3] / 10 . but we decrease of concentration of calcium carbonate to 2 .rate = -d[2] / 10 . Pressure and temperature : also when decrease the pressure or temperature the rate decrease .example : 3 g of calcium carbonate react with 5 g of hydrochloric acid to produce 3 g of carbon dioxide in 10s at 25C and 1atm. rate = -d [CaCO3] / t = -d[3] / 10s . but the time is increase to 20s , because the pressure decrease to 0.5 and temperature decrease to 15 , so the rate = -d [3] / 20s . in a chemical reaction the reactant decrease over time and product increase over time . The rate will decrease over time as the hydrochloric acid is used up (its concentration decreases)The graph in after page shows the volume of gas produced over time in the reaction between HCl and CaCO3 .All three reactions result in the same amount of CO2 gas being produced; however the higher the concentration of HCl, the faster the rate of reaction, thus the less time it takes for the reaction to be complete . The table below shows the time taken to produce 50cm3Â  of CO2Â  for each concentration of HCl :Rate of reaction / cm3 of CO2 s-1 Time take to produce 50 cm3 of CO2/1s Concentration of HCl /mold m-30.86 58 2.00.42 120 2.00,21 235 0.5From the results in the table above, it can be worked out that the rate of reaction is directionally proportional to the concentration of hydrochloric acid, so if you halve the concentration of HCl will be halved, if you quarter the concentration, the rate will be quartered . rate = k [HCl]1 Order :The order of a reaction is not necessarily an integer. The following orders are possible :Zero: A zero order indicates that the concentration of that species does not affect the rate of a reaction .Negative integer: A negative order indicates that the concentration of that species INVERSELY affects the rate of a reaction .Positive integer: A positive order indicates that the concentration of that species DIRECTLY affects the rate of a reaction . Non-Integer: Non-integer orders, both positive and negative, represent more intricate relationships between concentrations and rate in more complex reactions.So, in The reaction of calcium carbonate with hydrochloric acid is said to be first order with respect to hydrochloric acid .This is because the rate depends upon the concentration of hydrochloric acid to the power one . Technique :we can measure of rate of carbon dioxide by gas chromatography , gas chromatography can separating of compound by boiling point , and you can analyze results on your computer and measuring of rate of CO2 .and you can determine of rate by flow reaction that may be is easer method .

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Achievement Motivation Essay Example for Free

Achievement Motivation Essay ? What is it? This links personality with the degree of competitiveness shown by an individual. Its main focus is the extent to which an individual is motivated to attain success. Some Theories about it   Murray (1938) indicated that it was natural for individual to strive to surpass another (genetically) like trait. Bandura (1977) believed that a competitive drive was a product of learning (social learning). Atkinson and McCelland (1976) has the view of an interactionist and predicts achievement motivation is generated through a combination of personality and situation factors. Atkinson and McCelland view of achievement motivation as a personality trait which is activated by a situation, the situation comprises the probability of success and the incentive value of success. -Probability of success;the extent to which success is likely;For example success is more likely of the task is found by the individual to be easy. -Incentive value of success;the incentive value experienced by the individual after success-been achieved. For example the harder the task the greater will be the incentive value because the probability of success is reduced. There are two personality types to determine achievement motivation and these are; Linked with the low need to avoid failure (Low Naf). With these characteristic, desire to succeed overcomes the fear of failure. These performers=high in achievement motivation (high achievers) 2.Low need to achieve (Low Nach) Also linked with high need to avoid failure (High Naf). These characteristics the fear of failure overcome the desire to success. These performers=low in achievement motivation (low achievers) Characteristics of high and low achievement motivation personality traits. High Nach Personality Characteristics Low Nach personality characteristics High need to achieve Low need to achieve Low need to avoid failure High need to avoid failure Approach behaviour is adopted Avoidance behaviour is adopted Challenges is accepted Challenges is rejected Risks are undertaken Risks are declined Shows persistence and perseverance when task is difficult Curtails effort when task is difficult Success tends to be attributed to external factors Failure tends to be attributed to internal factors Failure is seen as a route to success Failure is seen as the route to further failure Aspire to mastery orientation Adopt learned helpessness Approach behaviour-describes behaviour that accepts a challenge Avoidance behaviour-describes behaviour that rejects a challenge Attribution-The process that predict reasons for success or failure Mastery Orientation-The strong motive to succeed found in the high achievement. This type of person will expect to succeed but will persist when failure is experienced Learned helplessness-The belief that failure is inevitable and that the individual has no control over the factors that cause failure. Their theory of achievement motivation is best at predicting behavioural responses in situations where there is a 50/50 chance of success. This will trigger motivation for those performers with high achievement traits=likely  to display approach behaviour and mastery orientation characteristics in these circumstances. Incentive value=high when chance is evenly balanced. In contrast to performers who show low achievement motivation would experience greatest anxiety in situations with a 50/50 chance of success— later adopt avoidance behaviour and experience learned helplessness. Approach or avoidance behaviours likely to arise when in a evaluative situation=Situation in which an individual believes they are being assessed. 1.Achievement or success can interpreted in many ways. Some performers regard success as victory over others. For example a long jump athlete winning an event. These people are said to have ego goal orientation. Those with this believe that ability and comparison over others=criteria for success. 2.Others judge on the basis of person improvement in a given task-For example a second long jump athlete may view success as the achievement of an improved performance. These people are said to have task orientation. Those with the task orientation value internal goals and believe that effort and comparison with self=criteria for success. Sport Specific Achievement Motivation(Competitiveness) Competitiveness in this context means- motivation to achieve in sport. Gill and Deeter (1988), using their own test called the ‘Sport Orientation Questionnaire’ (SOQ), confirmed that athletes were far more competitive than non-athletes. As as statement, this would appear obvious. Evidence of greater significance-athletes favoured performance goals (task orientation) while non-athletes emphasised the importance of winning (ego orientation) The type of goal set by the teacher as the measure of success in sport-related activities has, therefore, a significant influence upon the decision to adopt and sustain an active and healthy lifestyle. The important association between sport-specific motivation (competitiveness), confidence and goal setting. Achievement Motivation. (2016, May 10).

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

This paper is a Historical Monograph paper of Jonathon I. Israel's Term

This is a Historical Monograph of Jonathon I. Israel's European Jewry in the Age of Mercantilism 1550-1750 - Term Paper Example â€Å"the notion†¦ of a specifically Jewish commerce served a vital function in Western thought. It served to abstract various types of activities from the generality of economic life and, through their association with stigmatized Jews, make them vehicles for expressing widely felt anxieties about commerce in a manner that was politically safe and psychically tolerable.† As a result, there were changes that improved social interactions and developed the economy. Israelites incorporated the changes in the third edition where they talked about the new issues that affected their life, ranging from judgments and figures involved. According to the Europe History in the years 1550 to 1750, the old system were being faced off and replaced by the elites, and modern techniques of conducting business in the society. As a result, there were arguments that modernization in the communities brought changes in the human way of living. This was evidence when it affected the morals, unif ication, and the peace the society had initially. The Jewish argument had some implication that could bring new and positive changes to the Jewish communities and their economy. This could also bring equality in the activities they carried out, how they conducted themselves, and ways to make funds to eliminate their traditional believes. Based on Israel’s views, â€Å"the Jews’ commercial identities served as a barometer of shifting general attitudes toward commerce, money, and credit as a whole.† This was clear when the Jewish through business managed to unite with the Jews who were isolated and worked with them tolerating each other carrying on with their politics in a safe way. Results found by the Historians and science researchers revealed that, both the credit from the government and non-government organizations promoted the social interactions, changes in the economy and politics in Europe. Their commerce activities progressed when they decided to abandon segregation especially when it came to religion. The author also tries to figure out how neutral the European community was especially when they were trying to absorb the modern way of living in their society. Different questions were posed in line with the situation that, Europe was in leaving traces in the political firms and Judiciary. For example, the manner in which educated persons and the normal people coped with impersonal businesses. According to many scholars, there were certain forms in which there was interconnection between social and legal aspects in credit matters. The author also uses a legend to instill information in his evidence. The details that pertains the legend are that, the Jews dismissed this historical belief from France when the bills that were exchanged by then still existed. The legend was spread in the entire Europe during the 17th and 18th century but in this age, only few people talk about it. Credit was perceived to make one wealthier or even take away the riches. This could be realized through the bills of exchange that could show the advantages and disadvantages of the credit. It also made it easier for payments to be done in different states and to enhance more duration for the credit that expired for a short period. So far, this showed improvements in

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Critique of Quantitative Methods Journal Paper' Essay

Critique of Quantitative Methods Journal Paper' - Essay Example Conclusion 10 4.1. Theoretical contributions 10 4.2. Practical Contributions and Implications for Managers 10 4.3. Limitations 11 4.4. Improvements 11 11 References 12 1.0. Introduction 1.1. Gaps and Contributions The journal article titled â€Å"Individual connectedness in innovation networks: On the role of individual motivation† by Aalbers & et. al. (2013), argues with emphasis to the gap that knowledge should be shared within various sections of the organisation and should be implemented readily as per requirements. This shall allow firms to obtain competitive advantages over others through the continuous enhancement of their operations. Aalbers & et. al. (2013) further argues that knowledge transfer is directly related with the notion of innovation. Arguably, effective knowledge transfer within a business can further ensure maximum innovation within the same as per Aalbers & et. al. (2013). The journal thus claimed that it is highly important to conduct a rigorous researc h regarding this particular aspect, as very limited is universally known about it. Accordingly, the research of Aalbers & et. al. (2013) has emphasised primarily on filling the gap of research in this particular domain of study and intended to illustrate the elements that influence the concept of knowledge transfer within any organisation. 1.2. Aim of the Research Aalbers & et. al. ... This is because of the fact that it is deemed to be a key approach through which, innovative information sharing can be achieved in any organisation. 2.0. Theory 2.1. Evaluation of the Theory Knowledge transfer is deemed to be vital in respect to innovations within any organisation. Innovation is considered to be highly valued in businesses, especially in context of the contemporary society. Aalbers (2012) hereby states that with maximum innovations, organizations shall be able to present themselves in a more competitive manner, adapting changes every time, which further shall attract a larger volume of customers and enhance the competitiveness of the firm in the market. Furthermore, according to the study of Bosch-Sijtsema & Postma (2004), knowledge transfer is quite crucial in developing and maintaining a culture that fosters maximum innovation within organisational operations. Motivated through this notion, companies now-a-days tend to follow a knowledge based view in their approa ch wherein the management attempts to encourage expertise within the workforce from internal and external sources to deliver their capabilities in operational processes with the motive of betterment (Sijtsema & Postma, 2004). Accordingly, it is deemed that there are several factors that can influence active knowledge transfer and thereafter affect the innovation oriented culture in any organisation. Among those factors, connectedness can be considered as vital. According to the report of CDC (n.d.), connectedness can be considered as a degree upto which, people share their inner feelings with others, which also assists in the effective transmission of knowledge. Arguably, in modern organisations, employee connectedness can enable

Monday, August 26, 2019

American Political Parties Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

American Political Parties - Research Paper Example Considering Britain as the best example to analyze the USA, republican political economy has the ability to link with debates within the different political parties – and the citizens’ politics outside of them (White and Seth-Smith p.4). The same case has been depicted in the USA since the second reign of Barrack Obama. The Democrats and the Republicans have sought to ensure that there exists transparency between them regardless of opposition. Similarly, it encourages unity among the US citizens and the political parties. Historically, the republicans lost their political supremacy and monopoly in Florida in the 2008 presidential election. It happened when the state shifted their political attention to Democratic Party for the first time since 1996 (Wolgin & Garcia p.4). Such repeated itself in 2012 and the Party is still dominant in USA. The fame has risen due to the party’s approaches to curb crime and promote the state’s economy. Such are the qualities that have made the party capture the attention of the natives of the Latino American. Statistics indicate that the Congress is composed of 541 individuals in the 50 states. Similarly, by 2014 November, there were 234 Republicans, 207 Democrats including 5 Delegates and the Resident Commissioner in the House of Representatives. There were no vacant seats in the parliament. The Senate had 45 Republicans, 53 Democrats, and 2 Independents, who caucus with the Democrats (Manning p.1). Notably, despite the Democrats being lesser than the Republican, the USA President has been the member of the Democrat Party since his senatorial governance till to date. The development of the Democrats has been majorly driven by some essential strategies and as such it has outdone the Republican. They believe in equal opportunity, freedom, and equal rights among others (Texas Democratic Party Platform p.1). Such have made it gain fame in Texas since 2012 to 2014 December as

Stress distribution in the ankle joint, Ideal requirement for ankle Essay

Stress distribution in the ankle joint, Ideal requirement for ankle arthroplasty - Essay Example However, the dynamic stability to the joint can be attributed to the ligamentous support and balanced muscular forces acting around the joint. Although end-stage degenerative joint disease in uncommon in the ankle joint, in contrast to the previously offered ankle arthrodesis, with the newer designs of total ankle arthroplasty implants, the later has become a viable alternative. However, given the complex mechanism of the joint in terms of force distribution, any successful implant must be congruent with the biomechanical properties of this unique joint. To this end, stress distribution and other mechanical forces are the most important considerations, and in this assignment, some current total ankle replacements systems will be investigated as to whether they conform to the ideal requirements of stress distribution (Alvine, 2000). Studies have supported the clinical choice of total ankle replacement despite its complications since in comparison to arthrodesis, the ideal patients undergoing indicated total ankle replacements can experience a near-normal gait, greater range of movement, symmetrical timing but a slower gait, and restored ground reaction pattern. In actual clinical conditions, thus stress distribution across the implant becomes the most important engineering issue to be considered while choosing an implant. This is important more so, given the fact that there is indeed a higher reported incidence of frequent failure of the ankle implants. These have been ascribed to the designers and surgeons inability to reconstruct and restore the stabilising ligaments, to a poor simulation and reproduction of the normal mechanics of the joint, and due to these reasons, leading to a lack of involvement of the subtalar joint while the entire ankle complex need a coupled pattern of motion. This makes the total jo int replacement challenging, but also indicates that there is space for improvements in implant design

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Strategic Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 4

Strategic Management - Essay Example 277). The Walt Disney Company's mission has evolved through the years as the company has gained more success. Walter Disney founded the company in 1923; it was after he visited amusement parks with his daughters where he would be bored while they played. The original mission was to provide entertainment of the kind that children and adults both could enjoy, making the whole experience family oriented. However, as the years have progressed, the Disney mission has evolved as well. The official mission statement of Disney is the following: â€Å"The mission of The Walt Disney Company is to be the largest and most trusted producer and provider of entertainment and information. Using our portfolio of brands to differentiate our content, services and consumer products, we will become the most responsive and adaptable to serve the needs of the consumers’ in our target markets. We will maintain our integrity and adhere to the core values upon which our company was founded as we creat e the most innovative and profitable entertainment experiences, most reliable and relevant informational services, and related products in the world† (Walt Disney Mission Statement: Creativity + Innovation = Profits, 2013). One of the key reasons due to which it is as successful as it is due to its strong vision, which is to be one of, if not, the mot major producer and provider of entertainment and information in the world. In fact, the company is now seen to be the most innovative and creative in providing entertainment to children and adults alike, with rides, characters, detailed storytelling, hotels, spas and a sports complex. Important Stakeholders: Stakeholders and risk bearers exist in every business, be it a small home-based one or an expansive multinational. Therefore, naturally, the multibillion-dollar worth, Disney Theme Parks has their share of stakeholders. These include the employees, consumers, communities that live near the resorts, suppliers, factories, retai lers, contract workers, nongovernmental organizations and charities, media, governmental organizations and, of course, the shareholders (The Business Communication Casebook: A Notre Dame Collection, pg. 251). Since it is a company of a large scale, it has numerous stakeholders to consider and engage with when making plans or addressing issues (The Business Communication Casebook: A Notre Dame Collection, pg. 251). It is, in fact, a mark of strength of a company of this large a size to engage with its stakeholders in order to better address their needs and the needs of the communities they work in, to result in more cohesion and better returns. Opportunities and Threats: Although Disney has become a huge corporation in terms of the services it provides, there are still several opportunities and aspects that it can perhaps tap into. Disney, due to its major clientele, can be a good source of promoting world peace and other noble causes. Because it is a theme park stemming from childho od stories and cartoons, it could be a rich source of providing education to the needy since it can reach out to many people. Another philanthropic opportunity it could pursue would be to give employment to citizens that cannot find work elsewhere, as a way of giving them a second chance to make a difference to society. Since Disney is

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Foreign Assignment Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Foreign Assignment - Case Study Example This code of conduct ensures audit programs that assist in policy monitoring, review of employee treatment in terms of race, religion, opportunity and promotions. International companies should also ensure employees’ rights are protected, and compliance with the applied laws and regulations is upheld. Since employees are the most important resource in the company, they should have the right to; compensation, good working conditions, ethics and opportunities. An international company has the obligation of strictly prohibiting discrimination and employee harassment because of their color, gender, race, religion, and national origin, veteran’s status and sexual orientation The bank violated sexual orientation as a moral code. This by posing young women as client attraction; they had five young and beautiful women working as secretaries and receptionists. They are situated at the entrance of the bank and required to wear a customary uniform that are colorful and sexy. In accordance to the bank, they should be social to clients and pose well in order to attract more customers without having to have women to attract more customers. This abused their sexuality as they were contradictory to the image of the financing business and they were also demeaning to the young ladies who were wearing them. The bank’s decision to follow the norms of the host country is not correct or rather it is unfair since it violates the policies of international company laws. The host country discriminates against gender; the clients at the bank rarely go to Sara for assistance as they view her as a weak link at the business (Dunfee and Robertson, n.d). They do not understand how a woman can be in authority and rule over men, this makes Sara be viewed as assistance in order for business to run effectively. This affects the workers perception

Friday, August 23, 2019

Visual perception issues involved in traffic accidents Essay

Visual perception issues involved in traffic accidents - Essay Example The sense is so well adapted to its purpose that we normally assume that what we perceive are the actual objects (Calvert, 2000) Eyes are the gateway through which electromagnetic radiation from our surroundings enters the visual system, exciting a flood of information from the distorted, two-dimensional image cast upon the sensitive cells of the retina. Most of vision takes place in the brain, and this begins in the retina, where the signals from neighboring receivers are compared and a coded message dispatched on the optic nerves to the occipital cortex, behind the ears, where the information is formatted and made available to the processing activities of the brain. The eye is essentially a motion detector, its original purpose when eyes began to evolve from light-sensitive pits in the pre-Cambrian (Calvert, 2000). The act of seeing starts when visual stimuli pass sequentially through the eyes' optics, which are responsible for forming the retinal image; the photoreceptors, which sample and transduce the image into neural signals; and two to four retinal neurons, which transform and transmit those signals to the optic nerve and eventually to the central visual pathways. Considerable information is lost in these early stages of the process as evidenced by the close correspondence between the filtering properties of the optics and receptors, and some measures of visual sensitivity (Granrud, 1993) Visual perception & Traffic accidents On the roads of the USA 41,821 individuals were killed and 3.2 million injured during the year 2000. Given the high prevalence of automobile collisions, plenty of research has been conducted to understand the probable causes of such high rate of accidents. Such reports link errors in perception and decision-making as the premier probable cause of the majority of these accidents (Gray, 2004). Sensing the movements of the world and the objects within it is the fundamental job for the visual system. Tasks such as driving a fast car down the freeway require a good sense of the movements of the driver and other objects on the road ahead (Snowden & Freeman, 2004). To sense such movements require what is known as "motion adaptation," which is a change in the motion-detecting cells in the brain that is produced by staring too long at moving objects (Gugliotta & Stein, 2001). Research shows that motion adaptation, even though a very common situation, can put a driver at high risk for rear-end collisions. When a driver stares at an empty straight road for too long, it causes a change in his motion detecting brain-cells, leading to motion adaptation (Gugliotta & Stein, 2001). Keeping one's eyes on the highway ahead may actually present a danger because the brain plays tricks on drivers. These tricks of the brain mean that drivers on the open road often get too close to other cars before passing (Belchak, 2001). Motion adaptation can have detrimental effects while the driver tries to overtake another vehicle, all the while focusing intently on the road ahead. Studies show that drivers started passing cars a fraction of a second later after driving five minutes on a straight empty highway than when they drove on a winding country road. This suggests that drivers over-estimate the time they need to pass safely whilst driving faster (Gugliotta & Stein, 2001). Psychologists say that focusing in the road in front of the car for too long can be hazardous due to motion adaptat

Thursday, August 22, 2019

In what ways have changes in technology led to changes Essay Example for Free

In what ways have changes in technology led to changes Essay The technological advances of today had greatly influenced the conceptualization up to implementation of software architectures. Miniaturization of hardware dependence, further enhancement of capabilities and features, faster processing time for the most accurate result(s), and the most considered by many as the most important of all, improvement of user-friendliness were only just an ample of the trends happening today for the software industry. Since these were the trends, software architects had to cope up with the peoples demand for better software interaction experience. The large computers that occupy a whole room but do the same capabilities of our personal computers nowadays were had long been obsolete. Computers had long been recognized by many as a nice help for human living. Man then realized that computers need to be portable in order that man could bring it wherever he goes and utilize it whenever he likes or whenever he needed. Hardware for computers is now made to be as compact as possible, (great example would be the hardware of mobile phones). This trend is then accompanied by the need for better algorithms and implementation codes. The task for creating such algorithms and codes had turned to be more complex as time goes. Software makers had then thought that it is better that this problem be distributed to a group of people so that it would be easier to solve. People they will select to handle the task should have the knowledge for the specific task he should do. And then after this creation of algorithm phase, the remaining problem would then be how the person to use would utilize the code without requiring him to know all the science behind it. Technology is fast changing. Computer and software improvements are a part of this changing technology. That is why the field of software architecture emerged. References: Software Architecture. Retrieved July 10, 2007 from http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Software_architecture.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

All humans should be treated with respect Essay Example for Free

All humans should be treated with respect Essay In examining the religious teachings about the values of human life using religious teachings it is easy to see that God thinks all human life equal regardless of race, gender or disability and encourages all his sheep (followers of his, who he regards not as servants but as friends) to do so as well. This is proven in 1st Corinthians 7 18- 20 where it is said, Was a man already circumcised when he was called? He should not become uncircumcised. Was a man uncircumcised when he was called? He should not be circumcised. Circumcision is nothing and uncircumcision is nothing. Keeping Gods commands is what counts. Each person should remain in the situation they were in when God called them., the passage suggests that God cares not about the outward appearance or position of his followers but their obedience to his command, regardless of what life they have lived or what they were before, it also supports the fact that God was willing to take converts and so did not make distinctions between the human race or bear prejudice to those who were previously not his followers and had converted. The belief of equality for all of mankind is further supported by the bible which (Genesis 1:27) proclaims that all were made in the image of God and therefore bear a likeliness to him regardless of any differences we might show. This theory is known as imago dei and is one shared by the three Abrahamic religions it is thought that our likeliness to God means all human life should be treated with respect and dignity. (Matthew 5:43-38) Ye have heard it that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour and hate thine enemy. But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to those that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you. This passage states that Christians should bear hate to no one even those who wish harm unto them and instead pray for them and still show love to them regardless suggesting that Christians should have compassionate and fair attitudes towards all individuals. This belief of equality, understanding and acceptance no matter the past or social standing of the person is present in most other religions such as Islam, Judaism and Buddhism and now-days most religions are known to visit jails (where sinners lay) trying to convert the evil and lost (sinners)  so that they may repent and instead become children of God an example of important converts is Charles Colson who was part of the Watergate Seven, he was arrested and pleaded guilty to Watergate related charges and the obstruction of justice before being sentenced for 1-2 years in prison. While in prison Colson converted to Christianity and when released started Prison Fellowship a national ministry that helps prisoners to convert to Christianity, it is said that this program has helped prisoners live a better life and strengthen their spirit. Quakers a faction derived from Christianity believe there is that of God in everybody, meaning that no one is more important than anyone else as they are all made in Gods image by God, however even within this organisation people still have to take charge and allocate certain responsibilities to others meaning they become leaders and therefore more important that everyone else, suggestion that they are not equal to everyone else as they are worth more. There are two main Christian views on the truth of other religions; The exclusive view (mainly fundamentalists) who like Christians in the past believe all non-Christians are not doing what is right and therefore will be condemned to Hell unless converted. Fundamentalist try to convert others to Christianity through the means of evangelism etc. becoming missionaries. This is because of their literal interpretations of the bible, believing in John 3:18 which states, whoever does not believe in him (Jesus) stands condemned already, fundamentalists do not only just extend this view towards non-believers but also to Jews who do not believe in Jesus as the son of God citing John 14:6 in which Jesus said, I am the way the truth and the Life, no one comes to the Father except though me. This view contrasts with the Inclusive view where Christianity is believed to be superior to other religions (or bearing more truth) but doesnt require conversion only adhering to the right attitude to be saved from hell. While inclusive Christians might try forms of evangelism such as becoming missionaries, they are generally more understanding of others, this means many of them become involved with charities such as Tearfund or Christian Aid as a way to help others and also convince them (without words) that Christianity holds the truth and the right way. They use quotes like: There are many rooms in my Fathers house as a way of suggesting that  there are different ways to get to heaven and different paths one can take, as long as one follows the right way. It can be argued that inclusive Christians more than exclusive/fundamentalist really follow the teachings of the bible, they more than exclusive Christians can be argued to love thy neighbour and therefore treat others the way theyd like to be treated. The bible teaches that Jesus treated foreigners very well, he healed a roman centurions son and later had dinner with Zaccheus, a hated tax collector for the Romans, suggesting that he did exactly what he preached, loved the enemy and treated everyone well, this behaviour is also reflected in the parable of the good Samaritan where a man(a Jew) is robbed and lies naked, hurt and poor on the road a priest and leaders of other religions pass him by and ignore him, the only person who stops and helps him, even paying for his treatment is a Samaritan, people who were hated by Jews and who in turn hated them. This parable, not only shows foreigners in a good light but also promotes the teaching of loving thy enemy. In Galatians 3, the bible once again reinforces that God loves all of humanity unconditionally regardless of Gender or race, proclaiming There is no difference between Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. supporting Acts 10 in declaring that God does not favour a specific group of humanity or show favouritism but rather accepts men from every nation who fear Him and do what is right. Some critics however argue that these teachings are presented as only favouring those who believe in Christ and therefore making an outsider of those who do not fear him and do what God proclaims to be right and almost exempting them from the rules and teachings he lays down to his followers, presenting the argument of: does religion treat non-believers equally? The fact that there are many different sects of Christianity had led to many different views about the treatment of others, with the term others representing black, non-whole bodied'(disabled), homo sexuals etc. as well as extending to different cultures and religions not just non-believers. Walter Laqueur a man of Jewish faith, believes that sex is historically and culturally variable, with the modern idea of two separate sexes representing a shift away from the longer-established view that there is a single male  sex, of which the female is an inferior manifestation, he believes these developments have led to a society which believes that both men and women should occupy and negotiate a range of different positions within the world instead of living in a patriarchy where women do not have a main role in religion.This view is opposed by many other religions, Catholics for example believe that women can have a role in church, but cannot be priests because of the fact that Jesus was a man, and he chose all 12 of his disciples to be men. Catholics also interpret St Pauls teachings in Timothy 2 which suggest that women should have no authority over men as being correct, A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent. Taking the view that Adam was formed first, then Eve and Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner.. Some fundamentalist believe that men and women are equal before God but still have different roles in life meaning women shouldnt be offered equal opportunities in everything including religion claiming that the womens main job should be as a home-maker looking after the children not being in positions of leadership in the church. The Church of England however is against this interpretation and believes that women can be priests. They believe that we are all equal in Gods eyes, and also that Jesus had many women followers. Mary and others have been named in the Bible at significant points in Jesus life, and there are books in the Bible named after women. They use quotes such as: There is neither male nor female, you are all one in Christ Jesus. (Galatians 3 ) to support their reasoning. Some black theologians claim that religion has always been bias to the white man and therefore racist and oppressing to black people. They argue that this has created a divide between white God and black God. Only in 1985 did the Church of England announce the Church should make space for and include black Christians fully, this was almost a centuries after the freedom of Black people as slaves and many years after black liberation had occurred ( officially). However while many Christians like Pope John Paul, who condemned the fact that Christians had contributed to the slave trade, finally got Black people some equality some sects of Christianity such as the Southern Baptists in USA up until 1900, the Dutch Reformed Church in  South Africa until 1980 and many Christians in the 16th, 17th and 18th century believed that certain races were inferior and could be treated as either 2nd class citizens or slaves because of two Bible verses: Genesis 9:18-27 which states that the descendants of Noahs third son (Ham who is thought to be black by many Christians) will be cursed and be the slaves of his second son Japheth(thought to be white by many) and Ephesians 6:5 which states Slaves obey your masters -a verse that some Christians thought meant that it was fine to have inferior races and slaves. There is also the question of disability in religion with old-age Christians and Buddhism believing it was a punishment for evil deeds/sin (or bad karma in past lives). This viewpoint however has changed in recent times whereas being disabled was once viewed as being an imperfect version of an able bodied person, a description that suggests that disabled people are of less value than an able bodied person, recent views believe in Aristotle interpretation, that physical defects do not prevent a person from actualising their potential as a human being because the essence of being human does not rest on purely physical abilities a viewpoint which a charity called Larche founded by a Christian recognises. Aristotle point further illustrates a verse of the bible which proclaims that we are all born of sin, which supports that no one is perfect- were all flawed one way or another and therefore are in one way or another disabled. Islam is considered an egalitarian religion meaning one that is pro-equality. There is an argument made by several Muslim Women scholars such as Al-Hibri who argues that the situation of women globally is too complex and contradictory for one comprehensive critique, saying that in some nations: Muslim women experience horrendous forms of violence and oppression, often under the label of Islam whereas in another nation Muslim women may occupy positions of power in significant social and political institution also due to Islam. Many argue that whilst there are many practices contrary to womens rights which are done in the name of Islam, the reality is that there is no basis in Islam for them. Others make the important point that there are many factors at work which have allowed such oppressive practices to continue, such as the existence of patriarchal cultures that are often  confused with religious belief or the existence of authoritarian regimes that deny more than just womens claiming undemocratic regimes have denied human rights to their citizens, and attempted to lay the blame on the doorstep of religion suggesting that it is not religion that is unequal, but those who practise it. It can be argued that the term equality has different meanings in different situations you cant be equal to all people through one measure because everyone has different conditions that must be met etc. you cant feed a Muslim the same way youd choose a Hindu, you couldnt offer a Muslim a pig as it would cause trouble due to the offer being interpreted as an insult, this however doesnt mean you cant treat persons of both religion the same; with kindness and compassion regardless of their religion. This has led to many arguing that the solution is not just treating everyone equally (as equality suggests same treatment) but rather introducing tolerance and acceptance. They believe that conversion in religions isnt something that should occur forcefully but instead something that should be gently approached through the means of missionaries (in religions such as Jehovah witnesses and Mormons) for example. However some religions have a zero tolerance on those they consider outsiders, this include Zionism and its treatment of the Palestinians and some Jewish sects which refused to assimilate into the societies they lived in (Ashkenazic Jews), preferring to stay outsiders because they believe the Torah forbids mixing with gentiles due to their interpretation of Avoda Zara 36b which states You shall not intermarry with them; you shall not give your daughter to his son and you shall not take his daughter for your son; for he will cause your child to turn away from Me and they will worship the gods of others. Many Christians (and some Jews) thoroughly disagree with this verse with Christians believing it is directed ad them and painting them as immoral idolaters and some Jews believing the passage to contradicting (with the rest of the Torah) and too brief to be fully understood. This raises the argument among theologians that the bible and other holy books are too contradicting, confusing and sometimes too lacking of Context to be fully interpreted and rather, the teachings should not be taken at face value but rather, used to regulate but not to set iron cast laws .   However there are many contradicting verses in the bible which suggest otherwise.   Islam states: O mankind! We have created you from a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know one another. Verily, the most honourable of you with God is the most pious.Verily, God is All-Knowing, All-Aware. (49:13) about the difference within human beings, suggesting that they are deliberate and diversity is Gods gift to humankind.   Judaism, Christianity and Islam   The founder of Quakers, George Fox but instead of seeking primarily to convert, the upmost goal is to establish the principles of Christianity in others lives etc. love, humility and compassion.   And the Quran which states: I shall not lose sight of the labour of any of you who labours in My way, be it man or woman; each of you is equal to the other (3:195)   The Quran states For Muslim men and women,- for believing men and women, for devout men and women, for true men and women, for men and women who are patient and constant, for men and women who humble themselves, for men and women who give in Charity, for men and women who fast (and deny themselves), for men and women who guard their chastity, and for men and women who engage much in Gods praise,- for them has God prepared forgiveness and great reward. (33:35) suggesting that everyone, not just Muslim men and women will get the reward as long as they are humble and adhere to Muslim practises even if they do not adopt the religion   The most beloved and respected historical Christian thinkers and theologicans are amongst those who believe the role of women in religion should be subdued with John Crysostom considering the female sex as weak  and fickle ,Augustine claims Satans reasoning for deceiving Eve was because he was making his assault upon the weaker part of that human alliance eand Epiphanius declaring that the female sex is easily mistaken, fallible, and poor in intelligence even Martin Luther King supports this argument stating it was not Adam who went astray 265).  an idea that men systematically dominate, oppress and exploit women I many believe that a patriachical state doesnt and didnt ever exist and instead we have just been living in a world dominated by a complex set of differences; ethnic, racial, gendered, class hierarchy and not just gender.   In this generation, although there are many verses in the bible to suggest that women should have and did have a very important and immensely valuable role in founding and shaping Christianity.   For man did not come from woman, but woman from man; neither was man created for woman, but woman for man†¦In the Lord,  however, woman is not independent of man, nor is man independent of woman. For as woman came from man, so also man is born of woman. But everything comes from God (New International Version, 1 Corinthians 11:1-3;8-9;11-12).   1 Corinthians 14 says, Women should remain silent in churches which many interpret as saying- women shouldnt be in positions of leadership in the church.   Proverbs 31 implies the place of a woman is at home She watches over the affairs of her household   But women will be saved through childbearing-if they continue in faith, love and holiness with propriety(New International Version, 1 Timothy 2:11-15).   This is known as Christian egalitarian. The opposing view is Complementarianism.   Although, when the decision was made to allow Women into the church in 1992, many people left the Church of England as a result and converted to Catholics. This shows that there still isnt equality in Religions such as Christianity as while some may be for the inclusion of women, the one who arent may simply join a different fraction and practise their anti-feminist in religion perspectives there. This supports the view that freedom in religion is in conflict with notions of gender equality.   A prominent Muslim mother to an autistic child once wrote to a follower who also had an autistic child As with typically-developing children, every special-needs child has his or her own personality, temperament, strengths, and abilities. Every child has his or her God-given potential. This is from the mercy of Allah and one of the signs of His strength that He created such diversity among human beings. We should rejoice in the creative power of Allah and accept His qadr, or decree, for us. I believe that Allah created disabilities so those of us who are able-bodied would not become complacent and ungrateful. Taking care of a child with a disability brings out the best and most compassionate in all of us. So many of the things that parents of typically-developing children take for granted, we have to fight and struggle for. I think this helps us draw closer to the All-Merciful, the Forbearant, and the Loving. This supports the view that all human life is sacred and must be treated with the rights given to it in the Sharia and that no one has the right to take the life of another except according to Gods command. It also gives way to an argument that could claim moral worth of a person does not depend on birth, gender, race or wealth or whether or not a person is disabled. Class background, as well as the degree and severity of impairment, ethnicity, sex, sexuality and age can exacerbate or modify the experience of disability (Vernon, 1999:394) Many may argue that this isnt a religion; however most agree that it is a branch of Judaism if a very distant branch. Different from Sephardim (who chose to assimilate into the nations they moved to and Mizrahi Jews who also assimilated into the nations they found themselves in.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Nuclear Weapons In The Middle East Politics Essay

Nuclear Weapons In The Middle East Politics Essay Nuclear weapons are weapons of mass destruction which are capable of wiping out an unimaginably large number of people. Today, five member nations, the United States of America, Russia, United Kingdom, France and the Peoples Republic of China are internationally recognized as nuclear weapons nations by the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and are thus permitted to possess nuclear weapons. Two non-signatory members, India and Pakistan also possess these weapons and have conducted nuclear weapon tests. In addition to these seven members, Israel is strongly suspected of possessing nuclear weapons although it has neither confirmed it nor denied it. There is also speculation the Iran might be running a covert nuclear weapons program. Finally, North Korea has publicly declared itself to be in possession of nuclear weapons but this fact has never been confirmed as it has not conducted any substantial nuclear tests. There is an urgent need to limit the proliferation of nuclear weapons across the world as they pose a great threat to international security and their usage could lead to catastrophe. Today, this issue is especially relevant to North Korea and the Middle East where the lack of agreements and the prevalence of ambiguities regarding nuclear programs is becoming an issue of global concern. Countries associated with nuclear weapons3 Definition of Key Terms Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty (NPT) The NPT is a treaty that came into force in 1970, in order to limit nuclear proliferation. It prohibits non nuclear weapon states from developing, possessing or acquiring nuclear weapons or explosives. The three pillars of the treaty are non proliferation, disarmament and the peaceful use of nuclear technology. Currently, it has not been signed by India, Pakistan and Israel. Nuclear weapons Nuclear weapons are extremely destructive and explosive weapons that derives its force through either fission reactions or both fission and fusion. Nuclear Proliferation Nuclear proliferation is a term now used to describe the spread of nuclear weapons, fissile material, and weapons-applicable nuclear technology and information, to nations which are not recognized as Nuclear Weapon States by the NPT. 1 Nuclear weapons free zone A Nuclear weapons free zone is a geographical area recognized by the United Nations that has banned the use and development of nuclear weapon technology and has put measures into place to check its implementation. Nuclear Disarmament Nuclear disarmament is a proposal to dismantle nuclear weapons in order to reduce the possibility of the occurrence of a nuclear war. Background Information The first nuclear weapon was invented by USA, Britain and Canada during the Second World War. USA remains the only country to have ever used it. Soon after, during the Cold War, the world saw the beginning of the nuclear arms race. Following the Second World War, Korea was divided into two geographical regions: the northern controlled by the Soviets and the southern controlled by USA. Also, Israel is believed to have begun investigating the nuclear field soon after it was founded in 1948. In the 1950s the nuclear program in Iran was established for peaceful purposes under the supervision of the United States. The Partial Test Ban Treaty (PTBT) was signed in 1963 which banned the test of nuclear weapons underwater, in the atmosphere or in outer space. This treaty was not signed by China and France who are both nuclear weapons states today. The conflict between the communist North Korea and the capitalist South Korea has been going on since 1950 and there have been repeated failures to consolidate the two as one unified nation. Even today, the two countries have not officially made peace. Hence, ever since the 1970s, North Korea began its pursuit of acquiring nuclear weapons. In 1967, a CIA report claimed that Israel had the materials required to construct a bomb. In 1979, a US satellite reported a flash in the Indian Ocean that was similar to a nuclear denotation and could have possibly been a nuclear test conducted by Israel. It is speculated to be one of the apparently few joint nuclear tests conducted by South Africa and Israel. Minimal progress was made in nuclear disarmament until 1991 and the Comprehensive nuclear test ban treaty (CTBT) was adopted in 1996 which banned all nuclear explosions in all environment for military or civilian testing. It was signed by 182 countries and ratified by 153 and was aimed at stopping the nuclear arms race. Iran ratified the NPT in 1970s which subjected it to IAEA inspections. Today, the main reason for suspicion of Irans nuclear program is its failure to declare sensitive enrichment and reprocessing activities to the IAEA. In 1992, North Korea entered a safe guards agreement under Article 3 of the NPT which allowed IAEA inspectors to inspect North Koreas nuclear materials. In 1993, North Korea threatened to withdraw from the NPT which it had acceded to earlier. However, this did not ultimately happen as USA and North Korea came to an agreement by which North Korea would suspend all nuclear reactors in exchange for in exchange for alternative energy resources. North Korea withdrew from the IAEA in 1994 and launched a missile over the Sea of Japan in 1998 which caused USA to review its policies towards the country. Relations between the two countries remained turbulent. In 2002, the North Korean Deputy Secretary apparently acknowledged the existence of a covert nuclear-weapons development program. North Korea withdrew from the NPT in 2003 and in response; the US launched six way talks about the issue with North Korea, South Korea, China, Japan and Russia. North Korea, once again, agreed to abandon all nuclear weapon activities. However, like previous agreements, North Korea did not commit to it. It declared that it had nuclear weapons and withdrew from the six party talks in 2005. In October, 2006 North Korea announced plans for its first nuclear test. North Korea did conduct an explosive underground test but there are doubts as to whether it really was a nuclear test since the magnitude of the blast was less than expected. As far as Iran is concerned, in March 2010, Iran declared itself as a nuclear state and president Ahmadinejad announced I want to announce with a loud voice here that the first consignment of 20 percent enriched uranium was produced and was put at the disposal of the scientists. However, Iran reiterated that it will use this only for peaceful purposes. We have the capability to enrich uranium more than 20 percent or 80 percent but we dont enrich (to this level) because we dont need it. Evidently, there has been a great turn of events regarding the development and legitimacy of nuclear weapons in North Korea, Iran and Israel. A clear agreement in the case of all three countries has yet to be formed. General Overview Nuclear Deterrence The argument of those who possess nuclear weapons is that it enables them to ward off or deter nuclear or conventional attack through threat of disastrous retaliation. This could be incentive to possess nuclear weapons. DPRK has been accused of using nuclear weapons as a political tool to normalize relations with USA, Japan, and South Korea and to end the embargo against North Korea. North Korea will thus be unwilling to give up nuclear weapons without substantial concessions from USA and South Korea, among others. On the other hand, Iran has entirely denied seeking nuclear weapons for retaliation or nuclear deterrence. Transfer One of the greatest concerns with nuclear weapons is that it could end up in the wrong hands. Not only could countries possessing them sell them to others, thus encouraging nuclear proliferation, but nuclear weapons could also be sold to or stolen by non-state actors. If such a situation were to arise, it would have severe implications on the national security of several countries. For instance, DPRK has refrained from selling its nuclear weapons and materials. However, in the case of harsh sanctions being imposed on the country, it could retaliate and sell its nuclear weapons. Out of this fear, China has prevented the Security Council from authorizing the use of force or imposing truly harsh sanctions on the country. Similarly, in 1975, there were rumors that Israel offered to sell its nuclear weapons to South Africa. Israel has vehemently denied the claim. Israel-Iran Relations The turbulent relationship between Israel and Iran dates back to the Islamic Revolution in the 1970s. Both countries are suspected of having a nuclear weapons program and blame each other for threatening the security of the Middle East by doing so. Irans extreme hostility towards USA and Israel is probably the reason that has caused many to consider Iran to be the greatest threat in the Middle East. Iran itself is not a democracy and does not recognize the right to freedom of speech and expression. In addition, it refuses to acknowledge Israel as a country and refers to Israel as an occupied territory. However, many are angered at the fact that although there is no proof that Iran plans on developing nuclear weapons it is being faced with threats of dire consequences by the USA and Europe where as there is comparatively less pressure on Israel which is practicing opacity as far as its nuclear plan is concerned. On the other hand, seeing as Israel is a democracy, people believe that it can be trusted with its power. Israel also has a reputation of being relatively more reliable and predictable. It is considered less likely to misuse its nuclear weapons through and arbitrary attack. However, Israels intentional ambiguity regarding nuclear development in the country could be considered as a catalyst for the prospect of a nuclear arms race in the region. There are rumours that Israel may have up to 400 nuclear warheads. Egypt and 17 other Middle Eastern countries want Israels nuclear capabilities to be discussed with the IAEA since they have all signed the NPT and believe that Israels accession to the NPT is essential to establish regional peace. Israels current status is considered by some to be a provocation of nuclear proliferation. Israel refuses to sign the NPT without a comprehensive regional peace agreement as until then it requires its ambiguity about its nuclear weapons capability as a deterrent. It is important to note that although the world is split regarding who is to be blamed, both Israel and Iran are in a situation that can possibly lead to a destabilizing arms race in the Middle East and are key players in the possibility of establishing a nuclear free zone in the Middle East. Thus any agreement that does not involve the two countries will result in stalemate. Major Countries and Organizations Involved Israel Israel is the only country in the Middle East that is not a part of the NPT and is suspected by the IAEA to have nuclear weapons. Israel refuses to admit or deny possessing nuclear arsenal, or developing nuclear weapons and is using this ambiguity about its nuclear weapons capability as a deterrent. It is a good ally of USA and a hostile enemy of Iran. Iran Iran is a part of the NPT and strongly asserts that its nuclear technology, including enrichment is solely for civilian purposes but the IAEA has been unable to verify it. It is strongly suspected that the program is concealing the development of nuclear weapons. Iran claims that Israel is the only obstacle to establishing a nuclear weapons free zone and has stated its intentions to wipe Israel of the map. Iran has been subjected to four rounds of sanctions by the Security Council of the United Nation in order to urge it to halt its nuclear program. USA USA, today, has the largest quantity of nuclear weapons in the world but is trying to gradually cut them down under the Obama administration. It strongly condemns both North Korea and Iran for their nuclear program and is unwilling to accept either of the two as nuclear powers. China China has been reluctant to back the sanctions against Iran as it supports the Irans nuclear program for civilian use. It is believed to have helped Iran with its missile development programs. It is North Koreas most important ally, biggest trading partner and main source of food, arms and fuel. China has not expressed outright defiance against USA in order to protect its relations with the country and has supported some UN sanctions against Iran. Russia Russia believes that every nation has the right to self defense and therefore sees Irans nuclear program as legitimate. It has strong ties with Iran and has opposed unilateral sanction imposed on it by USA. However, Russia has urged Iran to change its stance. Russia has also been accused of assisting North Korea and Iran with their nuclear program. IAEA The IAEA is an international organization that promotes the peaceful use of nuclear energy. The IAEA believes that every nation has the right to an authorized and monitored nuclear program for peaceful purposes; however, nations should not attempt to pursue nuclear weapons in any form. Timeline of Events Date Description of event 1945 USA conducts its first nuclear test 1946 Russia conducts its first nuclear test 1952 UK conducts its first nuclear test 1964 China conducts its first nuclear test 1963 Partial Test Ban Treaty 1968 NPT signed 1974 Indias first nuclear test 1985 North Korea accedes to the NPT 1990 Frances first nuclear test December 31, 1991 North and South Korea sign the South-North Joint Declaration on the Denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. March 6, 1992 US imposes sanctions upon North Korea for missile proliferation activities September, 1992 IAEA inspectors discover discrepancies in North Koreas initial report on its nuclear program and ask for clarification on several issues, including the amount of reprocessed plutonium in North Korea. February 9, 1993 North Korea denies IAEA inspections of two sites believed to store nuclear waste. 1993 North Korea threatens to withdraw from the NPT 1994 Agreed Framework June 13, 1994 North Korea withdraws from NPT 1996 Comprehensive nuclear test ban treaty (CTBT) adopted 1998 Pakistans first nuclear test Feb 15, 1994 North Korea permits IAEA inspections in 7 of its sites May 24, 1996 The United States imposes sanctions on North Korea and Iran for missile technology-related transfers April 25, 1999 The United States, South Korea, and Japan establish the Trilateral Coordination and Oversight Group to institutionalize close consultation and policy coordination in dealing with North Korea 4 2002 President G W Bush names North Korea as a member of the Axis of Evil October 16, 2002 US announces that North Korea has admitted to possessing nuclear weapons January 10, 2003 North Korea withdraws from NPT October 9, 2006 North Korea conducts an underground explosive test 2009 North Korea conducts another test Previous Attempts to solve the Issue Sanctions on Iran The Security Council has imposed four rounds of sanction upon Iran in its resolutions 1737, 1747, 1803 and 1929. The UN Security Council began imposing sanctions on Iran since 2006, when it failed to comply with IAEA requirements and continued uranium enrichment activities. The sanctions have included bans on exports of nuclear, missile, and dual-use technologies; limiting travel by dozens of Iranian officials; and freezing the assets of forty individuals and entities, including Bank Sepah and various front companies.2 In addition, USA and EU have individually imposed further sanctions on Iran which have targeted its trade, finances and energy sector. Russia has supported the weaker Security Council sanctions against Iran but opposed the stronger ones imposed individually by the USA. It is against any unilateral sanctions and although a fourth round of sanctions was imposed, it faced resistance from Russia and China, both of which maintain strong economic ties with Iran. They opposed it due to their individual economic and political interests. According to critics, the lack of support from these two nations could have weakened the overall affect of the sanctions. The sanctions imposed are believed to have had limited success as Iran still holds an aggressive stance as to continuing its nuclear program and asserts that is it permitted to do so for civilian use as per the NPT. President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has said: The Iranian nation will not succumb to bullying, invasion and the violation of its rights.5 Talks with DPRK Several attempts have been made to establish a nuclear free Korean-peninsula but all efforts until today have been unsuccessful and DPRK has withdrawn from all treaties it has acceded to. This is probably because DRPK has only been signing treaties out of international pressure, not voluntarily. Agreed Framework The United States and North Korea signed the Agreed Framework on October 21, 1994 by which DPRK agreed to freeze operation and construction of nuclear reactors in exchange for two light water reactors and the relaxation of economic sanctions. The Agreed Framework resolved the ongoing 18 month crisis during which DRPK threatened to withdraw from the NPT. However, there were difficulties regarding the financing of reactors caused the plan to be behind schedule. Infuriated, DPRK violated the agreements which caused USA to persuade KEDO suspend shipments to the country. This marked the end of the agreement. In comparison to other attempts, this one probably had the greatest chance of success as it offered DPRK to end its nuclear program in exchange for realistic concessions made by other countries. Six Party Talks The six party concerning DPRKs nuclear program involved United States, North Korea, China, Japan, Russia and, South Korea as was a result of North Korea withdrawing from the NPT in 2003. Until today, six rounds of the six party talks have been held. Due to the conflicting aims of the members involved, minimal progress was achieved. During the third phase of the fifth round, North Korea agreed to shut down its nuclear facilities in exchange for fuel aid the normalization of relations with Japan and USA. These talks eventually ended when North Korea launched a satellite despite international pressure not to do so. It was believed to be a test of its prototype Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile (ICBM). In February 2005, North Korea declared that it had nuclear weapons for self defense and pulled out of the six party talks. DPRK expelled all nuclear inspectors and resumed its nuclear weapons program. Possible Solutions As evident from the past, Iran has been adamant about its position and the authenticity of its nuclear program. For any further progress to be made Iran and the West need to cooperate. Prior to creating any framework for agreements, Iran must be given recognition for its right to exist as an Islamic Republic, and its minimum security concerns must be acknowledged as legitimate. Thus, military strike either by USA or by Israel against Irans possible nuclear program would be disastrous as it would possibly cause Iran to retaliate which is a concern of global security and lead to regional catastrophe. The underlying problem in the Middle East crisis is the lack of trust and the increasing hostility between Iran and Israel. Solutions to resolve this issue should focus on reduce the fears of existential destruction that the two nations harbor towards each other. Iran must recognize the importance of moderating its bellicose stance whereas Israel checks its threats to attack Iran. In order to moderate any development of the negotiations between Israel and Iran, the Security Council should provide security guarantees to both countries and assess their concerns of security risks. Another way of addressing the issue would be to provide financial incentives to Iran; large enough to buy up the nuclear energy specialized for civilian use, if Iran completely halts its current nuclear program. One way of addressing the issue of North Korea would be to provide it with concessions such as providing it with substitute forms of energy for its civilian nuclear program and cutting back economic sanctions based on any agreement that has been reached upon. However, these are only possible if North Korea agrees to comply with any solutions reached upon. Although diplomacy is a great tool to resolve conflicts, many believe that as North Korea has repeatedly proved itself to be unreliable as far as agreements are concerned, a more aggressive option might be appropriate. However, it is important to note that any aggressive military action could possibly worsen matters. Constructive solutions would include measures to normalize relations between North Korea and all other states. As of today the most viable solution would be to establish a nuclear free zone in North Korea but it is difficult to implement. All problems that arise as a consequence of implementing such a solution must therefore also be addressed.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Medusa Essay -- History Historical Medusa Papers Goddess

Medusa Medusa means "sovereign female wisdom." In Sanskrit it's Medha. Medusa was originally a Libyan Goddess, worshiped by The Amazons as their Serpent-Goddess. She was considered the destroyer aspect of the Great Triple Goddess also called Neith, Anath, Athene or Ath-enna in North Africa and Athana in 1400. BC Minoan Crete. She can also be connected to Africa where she had a hidden, dangerous face, and her hair was represented as resembling dread locks. Libyan Amazons believed that no one could possibly lift her veil, and that to look upon her face was to glimpse one's own death as she saw yours. She was imported into Greece as one of the Gorgons, daughters of Phorcys and his sister Ceto. She was the oldest and only mortal of three sisters; the other two being Stheno, and Euryale. They were symbols of terror, their faces were so terrifying that anyone who looked directly at them turned to stone. The Gorgons had another three sisters, the Graeae(Aged Ones) personification of old age; their hair was gray from birth; they had only one tooth, and one eye, which they were forced to share among themselves. They were the only ones who knew the way to the Gorgons. Various myths exist to explaining the terrifying aspect of Medusa. The most famous and widely know is the one related to Athena. "She had once been a maiden whose hair was her chief glory, but as she dared to vie in beauty with Minerva, the goddess deprived her of her charms and changed her ringlets into hissing serpents. She became a monster of so frightful an aspect that no living thing could behold her without being turned into stone"(Gayley 208). Jean Lang describes this transformation as follows: "Every lock of her golden hair had been chan... ... grows hard in contact with air, and what in the sea was flexible becomes stone out of the water"(Morford and Lenardon, 416). Medusa is mentioned and various ancient sources like Ovid Metamorphoses, also in the Homeric Hymns like The Theogony for example. Bibliography: Hesiod Homeric Hymns Epic Cycle Homerica. Trans. Hugh G. Evelyn-White. Massachusetts: Harvard UP, 1995. Ovid Metamorphoses. Trans. A.D. Melville. New York: Oxford UP, 1986. Rosenberg, Donna. World Mythology: An Anthology of the Great Myths and Epics. Illinois: NTC Publishing Group, 1995. Lang, Jean. A Book of Myths. London: T. C. & E. C. Jack, Ltd, 1914. Gayley, Charles Mills. The Classic Myths: In English Literature and in Art. Boston: The Athenzum Press, 1911. Morford, Mark P.O. and Robert J. Lenardon. Classical Mythology: Fifth Edition. Longman: Publishers USA, 1995.

Feng Shui in the Far East Essay -- essays research papers

Introduction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Feng Shui has been practiced in China for centuries. Throughout ancient China, masters of Feng Shui â€Å"were highly respected meteorologists, astronomers, and other scientists and who were charged with sustaining the good fortune and prosperity of the royal court. It has been guardedly passed down the generations through very specific lineages† (Feng Shui Advisors). It was widely practiced in modern-day China until the Cultural Revolution when Chairman Mao utilized mass force to destroy those with different ideas (Craze 9). It has evolved to be both a science and/or an art, depending on whose opinion is being given or taken. The science comes from the calculations and methodology used to analyze the space/site that one lives or works in. Some consider it an art because there are many aspects to it, and, ultimately, it is up to the person living/working in the space to determine whether it â€Å"feels right† for him/her. Chuen states, â€Å"It is an analytical system developed, not by one person, but by a centuries-old cumulative tradition based on meticulous observation and experimentation† (8). Feng Shui is also described as an â€Å"art of arranging one’s life in accordance with the forces of the universe,† and it â€Å"stretches back over at least 7000 years and probably far further† (Chuen 14). Feng Shui literally stands for wind and water: two of the most bas ic forms of life’s energy. â€Å"Without air we die within seconds.† â€Å"While we can live weeks without food, without water we soon perish† (Chuen 14).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The I Ching, or â€Å"Book of Changes† is an ancient Chinese divination manual and book of wisdom. It is a sacred text that ancestors of ancient China received through their meditative and spiritual practices. Made up of eight trigrams, or gua (kua) and sixty-four hexagrams (combinations of two trigrams) the symbols of the I Ching are known for its oracular qualities (Chuen 24). Each of the eight trigrams, or gua (kua) is associated with an element and a set of specific qualities, polarities, colors, etc. The I Ching, combined with the five elements theory, form the foundation of many Chinese arts, including martial arts, medicine, music, and of course Feng Shui. The I Ching is important to Feng Shui because it contains the â€Å"64 hexagrams [that] are important as they combine the eight house directions ... ...earchers and authors of Feng Shui literature. This was an enormous problem for me because half of what I read said one thing, and half said something different. I believe that the discrepancy may have come when the principles and rules of Feng Shui were translated from Chinese to English. For future study, one could compare all of the different discrepancies, and try to find the original belief or principle. References Chuen, Master L.K. (1996). Feng Shui Handbook: How to Create a Healthier Living and   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Working Environment. New York: Henry Holt and Company, Inc. Craze, R. (1999). Feng Shui Made Easy: An introduction to the basics of the ancient are   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  of feng shui. New York: Godsfield Press. Feng Shui Advisors. (1999). What is Feng Shui: A brief Feng Shui introduction. Internet   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Source. Last Modified 03/09/2002. Internet Explorer April 2, 2002. Available:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ Weightman, B. (2002). Dragons and Tigers: A Geography of South, East and Southeast   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Asia. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Hester Prynne :: essays research papers

In Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter, Hester Prynne lives in seclusion with her daughter Pearl. Hester has been shunned from Puritan society and now lives in the shelter of the wilderness. The clear contrast between Puritan society and life in the wilderness intensify the all too similar fight between light and darkness and ultimately can lead to the truth.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Puritan society, ruled by a set of strict rules, is essentially in the dark and can not itself see the light. Many of the leaders of Boston are themselves breaking the rigid Puritanical laws. Governor Bellingham lives in a mansion whose â€Å" brilliancy might have befitted Aladdin’s palace, rather then the mansion of a grave old Puritan ruler.† (pg. 98) Bellingham’s extravagant house shows the hypocrisy of the Puritans. They seek to punish those, like Hester, who break the laws of Puritan society but at the same time they too violate their own laws. The Puritans can not see the faults within themselves. Puritan society is seen as a place where â€Å"iniquity is searched out, and punished in the sight of rulers and people.† (pg. 58) The Puritans pride themselves on the uniform goodness of their town and their ways of dealing with sinful dissenters. Hester’s public appearance is seen as a blessing on the â€Å"righteous Colony of Massachusetts.† (pg. 50) The Puritans see their society as picturesque and proper. To them it is in essence the light shining bright in the darkness. An accurate comparison to this view would be the Garden of Eden of Adam and Eve. The Puritans see themselves as the perfect humans within the garden. Those people who, like Adam and Eve, become sinful â€Å"must be scourged out of the town† and then â€Å"driven with stripes into the shadows of the forest.† (pg. 46) Citizens not fit to live in the â€Å"paradise† of Boston were cast out into the shadow of the forest. Yet it is in the forest that Hester is actually in the light and can see for herself, the truth.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Living in the wilderness, Hester Prynne is able to see the light of truth, as none in Puritan society can. The Puritans have punished Hester for her sin and she is now free to go where she pleases, yet she decides to stay in Boston. The woods are a haven for Hester and yet they are also a showcase for her sin.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Explain Why Human Emotion May Be Regarded as a Powerful Component of Successful Advertising

Explain why human emotion may be regarded as a powerful component of successful advertising Consumer buying and use of goods in many cases is to pursue a kind of emotional satisfaction, or self image display. When some kind of commodity to meet the consumer's psychological needs or show the self image, which in the minds of consumers value may go far beyond the product itself. It is precisely because of this, the emotional appeal advertisement in modern society be born, in today is to flourish. Therefore, the emotional advertising appeal to consumers is the emotional or affective responses, convey goods to their added value or emotionally satisfying, the formation of consumer positive brand attitude. According to the different human emotion classification of affective advertising, emotional advertising into family love, love, friendship and affection, not only gives the product vitality and the characteristics of human nature, but also can arouse consumers nostalgic or longing for the emotional resonance, which can induce consumer goods purchasing motivation. For example: Friendship is a part of life. † Maxwell House Coffee: good stuff should be shared with friends. â€Å", this is Maxwell coffee launch of the advertisement language as into the Taiwan market, because the Nescafe has been occupy the market in Taiwan, Maxwell had to hand the emotion, coffee and friendship with together, won the recognition of consumers, so Maxwell coffee has successful entered Taiwan market. When people see a Maxwell House coffee, think of friends and share feeling, this feeling is really good.. References Olney. T. J. M. B. R. Consumer Responses to Advertising: The Effects of Ad Content, Emotions, and Attitude toward the Ad on Viewing Time . Vol. 17,No. 4(Mar,1991),pp. 440-453 Holbrook. M. B. J. The role of emotion in advertising

Friday, August 16, 2019

Charcoal Poultice and Charcoal Drink as Treatment to Leg Ulcers Essay

The use of charcoal as a simple remedy for different health problems is an ancient way of treating many common diseases that afflict humankind dates back in the time of Hippocrates who lived from 460 to 370 B. C. In the late 1800, Ellen G, White spearheaded the use of charcoal in the treatment of different diseases. She said, â€Å"The Lord has given some simple herbs of the field that at times are beneficial; and if every family were educated in how to use these herbs in case of sickness, much suffering might be prevented, and no doctor can be called. One of the most beneficial remedies is pulverized charcoal placed in a bag and used in fomentations. This is a most successful remedy†¦I have prescribed this simple remedy, with perfect success†¦This works like a charm. † The use of charcoal in treating diseases is a product of long years of scientific studies. Charcoal is defined as an amorphous, porous form of carbon made by the destructive distillation of almost any carbonaceous material such as wood, coconut shells animal bones, and corn cobs. The medicinal properties of charcoal are given strong boost by the United States (a book that tells how to prepare and use medicines). Besides giving direction for making charcoal, the Dispensatory lists several problems that can be treated with charcoal. Activated charcoal exerts its effects by absorbing a wide variety of drugs and chemicals. The important work of charcoal powder in the treatment of diseases is to adsorb chemical substances that are harmful to the body, like germs, viruses, toxins, wound secretions, and other products of infections. To adsorb means to take up, hold on, or spread out on the surface of the molecules. Charcoal works like a magnet. Charcoal poultice is made up of charcoal powder mixed with enough water to make into a paste. It is spread into a thin dry cloth with all the sides folded over the charcoal paste and then applied over the affected area of the skin or over the body organ. From thirty minutes to two hours after the application of the charcoal poultice, there is a feeling of itching around the area or a little pricking pain. That is because charcoal sucks what it can absorb from within. The advice is to never remove the poultice. Keep it on because your body is responding positively to the treatment. Pain may be felt from three to seven days. The internal use of charcoal powder is called charcoal drink. Charcoal drink is made of charcoal powder diluted in a glass of drinking water according to dosage for medical purposes. The charcoal drink is tasteless. The taste of the drinking water when mixed with charcoal powder doesn’t change. There is no difference in taste between a glass of clear drinking water and a glass of water with charcoal powder. The only difference is the color. Treatment is a therapy used to remedy a health problem. It is a process or intervention in the design of experiments a method of combating, ameliorating, or preventing a disease, disorder, or injury. Active or curative treatment is designed to cure; palliative treatment is directed to relieve pain and distress; prophylactic treatment is for the prevention of a disease or disorder; causal treatment focuses on the cause of a disorder; conservative treatment avoids radical measures and procedures; empiric treatment uses methods shown to be beneficial by experience; rational treatment is based on a knowledge of a disease process and the action of the measures used. Treatment may be pharmacologic, using drugs; surgical, involving operative procedures; or supportive, building the patient’s strength. It may be specific for the disorder, or symptomatic to relieve symptoms without affecting a cure. Leg ulcers refer to full thickness skin loss on the leg or foot due to any cause. They occur in association with a range of disease processes, most commonly with blood circulation diseases. Leg ulcers may be acute or chronic. Acute ulcers are sometimes defined as those that follow the normal phases of healing; they are expected to show signs of healing in less than 4 weeks and include traumatic and postoperative wounds. Chronic ulcers are those that persist for longer than 4 weeks and are often of complex poorly understood origin. There have been a vast number of case reports of individuals who have benefited most decidedly from external applications of charcoal. Charcoal has been found to adsorb wound secretions, bacteria, and toxins. It appears to keep the bacteria from entering the blood stream. D. PROCEDURE HOW TO PREPARE CHARCOAL POWDER MATERIALS NEEDED: 1. Charcoal from hard wood or coconut shell or bones of clean animals such as cows, carabaos, goats, etc. 2. Coffee grinder or wooden mortar. 3. Fine coffee strainer. PROCEDURE: 1. Pulverize the charcoal by grinding or pounding. 2. Strain the charcoal powder through a fine coffee strainer. 3. Sterilize the charcoal powder in an oven or in a dry covered kettle or frying pan for 15 to 20 minutes. 4. Let cool and store in a dry, clean, covered glass jar or container. HOW TO PREPARE THE CHARCOAL POULTICE MATERIALS NEEDED: 1. Charcoal powder 2. Two pieces of thin cotton cloth or diaper 3. Cellophane or plastic bag 4. Cold or warm water 5. Mixing bowl 6. Mixing spoon and ladle 7. Elastic roller bandage number 4 or a 4-inch-wide cloth 8. Safety pins PROCEDURE: 1. Place the charcoal powder in a mixing bowl. 2. Pour in water gradually. 3. Stir it slowly with a spoon or ladle to make a charcoal paste. Mixture should not be too dry or too wet. 4. Spread a piece of cloth on the table. 5. Spread a ? inch charcoal paste on the center of the cloth. See to it that it’s one or two inches wider than the diseased body part which will be applied on. 6. Fold the four sides of the cloth over the charcoal paste. 7. Turn the covered charcoal pate upside down and drain the excess water by pressing it with a piece of dry cloth. HOW TO APPLY CHARCOAL POULTICE: 1. Apply poultice over the center of the area to be treated. 2. Cover it with a thin cellophane or plastic to keep the heat and moisture intact. 3. Cover with a clean and dry cloth. The cloth must be one or two inches wider than the poultice so the heat cannot escape. 4. Bind tightly with a roller bandage or with a strip of cloth. 5. Leave it overnight or do it three times a day. 6. Dress the patient in the morning. 7. Repeat the treatment until the condition is placed under control or healed. FREQUENCY OF APPLICATION: 1. Overnight7:00 p. m. to 5:00 a. m. 2. Three times a day7:00 a. m. to 11:00 a. m. 1:00 p. m. to 5:00 p. m. 7:00 p. m. to 5:00 a. m. HOW TO PREPARE THE CHARCOAL DRINK MATERIALS NEEDED: 1. Sterilized charcoal powder 2. Two glasses of cold or warm drinking water 3. Spoon 4. Two feeding bottles (for babies) DOSAGE AND PROCEDURE: 1. Dilute the charcoal powder in cold or warm water according to the dosage. four times a day7:00 a. m. 1:00 p. m. 7:00 p. m. 1:00 a. m. †¢Newborn babies a. One teaspoonful of charcoal powder in a glass half-filled with drinking water. †¢Children a. Into a glass of half-filled with drinking water, dilute one heaping tablespoon of charcoal powder. b. Stir the mixture thoroughly. c. Let the charcoal powder settle down in the glass for five minutes before giving it to the child or pouring it into the feeding bottle. †¢Adult and Youth a. In a glass filled with water, dilute two heaping tablespoonfuls of charcoal powder. 2. Let the patient drink all the mixture at one time. Babies and children may be given charcoal drink little by little. 3. Let the patient drink pure water to rinse and throat after each drink. 4. Repeat the treatment three times a day or as indicated until healed. E. REFERENCES: 1. Paypa, Severino S. , M. H. SC. , M. P. H. , 2006, Healing Wonders of Charcoal 2. http://www. time. com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,771082,00. html 3. http://www. emedicinehealth. com/activated_charcoal/page2_em. htm 4. http://www. soyouwanna. com/ways-cure-leg-ulcers-4348. html 5. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Treatment 6. http://medical-dictionary. thefreedictionary. com/treatment.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Employee Is the Most Important Asset Essay

â€Å"Human Resource is the most important asset of an organization†. In Singapore, where there are no natural resources, human capital is one of the valuable resources that the country depends on to attract foreign investors. The skills, knowledge and experience of each individual contribute to the growth of organizations, communities and the development of the nation. With today’s workforce becoming more diverse, the importance of employee has also been increasingly highlighted in the organizations. QUALITY OF STAFF People are employed to perform the various hierarchy roles in the different divisions of an organization. They are mainly the Admin, Sales & Marketing, Finance, Production, Information Technology, Customer Service and Human Resource. In order to gain a competitive advantage in the market, it is vital to have the correct people in their respective role in these functional divisions as the staff can then perform their scope of work to produce excellent results for the company. Particularly when employees’ talents are valuable, rare and difficult to imitate, an organization can achieve a sustained competitive advantage. Human resource is always related to one organization profitability and their ability cannot be replaced by machines as discussed by Hargreaves and Jarvis (1998: 3). ORGANIZATION AND ITS PEOPLE Every business and organisation will have its own unique culture, based in the prevailing beliefs and values within the business and organization. The advanced equipment, new technology, good marketing strategic, excellent customer services and many other elements can be the factors to build up for the success of an organization. In every business people are playing different roles with defined responsibilities and accountability. Take for example, in the manufacturing and production industries, the factory and machines are considered very important just as the people. However, I agree to a large extent that human resource is still certainly an extremely valuable asset to determining the success or failure. In an industry that depends on highly skilled professionals in a service firm, without their support, the organization’s daily business function will not be done well and ready. In my opinion, one good example of a successful organization that values its employees as an important asset of its business would be CapitaLand Limited. CapitaLand is one of Asia’s largest real estate companies and it believes that people are the core assets. This is made true with its philosophy of â€Å"Building People to Build for People†. A second example would be Sheng Siong Supermarket Pte Ltd. The managing director, Mr Lim Hock Chee is a hardworking man who believes in treating the employees well. His staffs get one free meal every day – a buffet-style one for those who work in the Woodlands headquarters and boxed meals for the rest. He always has the employees’ interests at heart and will go out of his way to help anyone who has problems at home e.g. giving cash incentives to those with young kids. He believes that only when the employee is happy at home will he be able to concentrate at work. Ultimately, a motivated employee can make a significant difference to the company’s bottom line in terms of bringing in new orders, meeting customer needs, developing new products and thus meeting the goals of the organization. NEEDS OF THE STAFF Employees’ talent and efforts have tangible effects on an organization’s productivity and stability. As such, efforts are often been neglected and fail to satisfy employees’ needs. When employees’ efforts are not recognized, there will be a lack of commitment to the organization. Thus, employees will not be motivated and will be less creative. It is important to have a common understanding of having a work-life balance environment for its employees. CONCLUSION As people’s talent, ability, and grasp of the business improve, some group members are likely to realize their own high growth potential. Organisations will probably suffer minor setbacks when losing a valuable team member to a better job or even another company. On the contrary, it means the organisation is giving its people important skills. Hence by helping the people to scale up their critical skills, it can establish skills accountability and foster continuous learning – a key strength in today’s marketplace of constantly changing environment. Let’s create and promote a culture of knowledge and innovation in our organization, and respect Human Asset – the most valuable Intangible Asset.